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Israel will stand alone, if forced to do so: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The fiery speech comes after Netanyahu rejects international pressure to halt the war in Gaza while he was at the country's annual Holocaust memorial day

AP/PTI Jerusalem Published 07.05.24, 06:27 AM
Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu File image

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected international pressure to halt the war in Gaza in a fiery speech marking the country’s annual Holocaust memorial day, declaring: “If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone.”

The message, delivered in a setting that typically avoids politics, was aimed at the growing chorus of world leaders who have criticised the heavy toll caused by Israel’s military offensive against Hamas militants and have urged the sides to agree to a ceasefire.


Netanyahu has said he is open to a deal that would pause nearly seven months of fighting and bring home hostages held by Hamas.

But he also says he remains committed to an invasion of the southern Gaza city of Rafah, despite widespread international opposition because of the more than 1 million civilians huddled there.

“I say to the leaders of the world: No amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum will stop Israel from defending itself,” he said, speaking in English. “Never again is now.”

Yom Hashoah, the day Israel observes as a memorial for the 6 million Jews killed by Nazi Germany and its allies in the Holocaust, is one of the most solemn dates on the country’s calendar. Speeches at the ceremony generally avoid politics, though Netanyahu in recent years has used the occasion to lash out at Israel’s archenemy Iran.

The ceremony ushered in Israel’s first Holocaust remembrance day since the October 7 Hamas attack that sparked the war, imbuing the already sombre day with additional meaning.

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